Miley Cyrus Did Not “Mock” Mason Disick, Despite Latest HollywoodLife Nonsense

Miley Cyrus Mason Disick


Miley Cyrus is not “mocking” five-year-old Mason Disick in a new picture. Of course, HollywoodLife says she is, but it’s very possible HollywoodLife does not understand what “mocking” means. After all, this is the same publication that recently claimed Cyrus had “mocked’ and “dissed” North West. HollywoodLife has been fabricating so many feuds for so many years, the site actually seems to have no idea how absurd it looks to pretend a fully grown woman is using silly Photoshopped Instagram posts to “mock” little children.

Here’s what happened. Last week, as Gossip Cop reported, Justin Bieber met up with some of the Kardashians at a hotel pool and played with Mason. On Friday, Cyrus shared one of the many goofy, typically fan-made Photoshopped pictures she regularly posts on Instagram. In it, an old picture of Cyrus’ face replaced Disick’s. Cyrus captioned the Instagram, “Biebs.” The end.

Oh, but it was NOT the end for HollywoodLife. No, the webloid detects some kind of bad blood between Cyrus and the five-year-old, or maybe other ulterior motives. “Oh, baby! Miley is mocking Mason on Instagram this time, and bringing her friend Justin into it!” declares the site, adding, “We’re not sure how Kourtney [Kardashian] will feel about this one!”

We’re guessing she’ll feel very little about it either way, because she’s not insane enough to think Miley Cyrus is mocking her five-year-old son. HollywoodLife tries to get inside Cyrus’ head: “Is she mocking Mason and calling him a baby? Or perhaps, she’s trying to tell us that she wants to be Justin’s baby!”

HollywoodLife is a site that’s supposed to be written for adults, right? Anyway, here’s more of the site’s speculation: “Is Miley obsessing over the Biebs? It seems like poor Mason was targeted because she was feeling left out of his Kardashian pool date!” Really? Targeted?

Um, no. Cyrus shared a silly Photoshopped picture, like she has countless times, and as she’s continued to do over the past 24 hours. She wasn’t going after Mason. She wasn’t sending a message. She was having fun. Can HollywoodLife please stop with this nonsense? We’re not looking forward to the inevitable stories about Cyrus allegedly attacking Penelope and Reign Aston Disick.

Daniel Gates