‘Game Of Thrones’ Recap: 9 Big Moments – ARTICLE

The pace picked up in the second episode of HBO's "Game of Thrones" Season 5, as storylines combined, power grabs were made and a familiar face returned.

Here's our recap of nine of the biggest moments from "The House of Black and White" episode of "Game of Thrones" Season 5:

Cersei Is Now Running The Small Council

Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Helen Sloan/HBO)

With no one left to tell her what to do in King's Landing, Cersei took the seat previously held by her late father, Tywin Lannister, and before that her (now fugitive) brother Tyrion – Hand of the King. She's not really the Hand, Cersei told her uncle, Kevan Lannister, who raised an eyebrow at a woman in the chair. She's just helping out her son, King Tommen, carrying out his wishes until he comes of age and can choose a Hand for himself. During her first meeting as (not) the Hand of the King, Cersei appointed Mace Tyrell (Margaery's father) Master of Coin, and creepy Qyburn was named Master of Whisperers (Varys' old job). Cersei ran into trouble though, when she tried to appoint Uncle Kevan Master of War. "I did not return to the Capitol to serve as your puppet, to watch you stack the Small Council with sycophants," he said. "You are the Queen Mother, nothing more," he said, before walking out in a huff, and heading back to Casterly Rock.

PHOTOS: ‘Game Of Thrones’: Scenes From ‘The House Of Black & White’

Stannis Can't Get No Respect (Including From Pre-Teens)

King Stannis Baratheon was not very pleased that Jon saved Mance Rayder from a gruesome death by fire at the end of the Season 5 premiere (Jon gave Mance a quicker death-by-arrow instead), and the King pointed to Davos Seaworth's half-hand as a warning on how he feels about those who go against his commands (laws). "If they don't fear you, they won't follow you," Stannis told Jon. "With respect, Your Grace, the free folk will never follow you no matter what you do. You’re the man who burned their King alive," Jon replied. Not only will the Wildlings never join Stannis' cause, but Stannis showed Jon a note revealing a child won't commit her House to him either. Lyanna Mormont, 10 (niece of the late Lord Commander Mormont), rejected his recent request for loyalty. "Bear Island knows no king but the king in the north, whose name is Stark," read her scroll (Jon got a little smile after reading it). With no Wildling army, and a 10-year-old refusing his request, Stannis came up with a new plan. He asked Jon to pledge him his service, in exchange for Stannis making Jon Snow, Lord Jon Stark, of Winterfell (Stannis would then use Jon to help take the North). Later, Jon told Samwell Tarly, he would be turning down the King's offer. He's a brother of the Night's Watch.)

Brienne Found Sansa Stark!

Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne and Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne and Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth (Helen Sloan/HBO)

The Season 5 premiere found Brienne of Tarth still hurting over failing to help Arya Stark (in the Season 4 finale), but Episode 2 gave her a new cause to fight for – Arya's sister, Sansa. At an inn, Podrick spotted Sansa (despite her darkened hair) drinking with Petyr Baelish. Upon learning she was just paces away, Brienne threw strategy to the wind, and decided to approach their table without haste. She was quickly out matched by Littlefinger's clever way with words. As Brienne tried to sway Sansa into coming under her protection, Littlefinger brought up the rumor that she killed Renly Baratheon. Brienne telling the far-fetched but true story of what really did kill Renly (a shadow in the shape of Stannis Baratheon) didn't help her cause. Sansa flat out refused Brienne's offer, reminding her she saw Brienne bow before King Joffrey at his Season 4 wedding. A chase then erupted and Brienne had to fight (successfully) against Littlefinger's men for her life and Podrick's.

WATCH: Gwendoline Christie: Brienne ‘Never Gives Up’ In ‘Game Of Thrones’

Jaime Is Going To Dorne To Get His Daughter Back

A statue of a viper (it was more orange than red) came in a box to King's Landing, and inside its fangs was Myrcella Baratheon's necklace. While Cersei fumed and raged over this sign, Jaime made a decision – he will go find their daughter and get her back (he plans to sneak her out of Dorne). And he won't be going alone. Jaime recruited Ser Bronn of the Blackwater (aka, Tyrion's former sellsword) to help him out, promising him a bigger castle and a more beautiful wife for his service to the Lannisters.


Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell (Macall B. Polay/HBO)
Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell (Macall B. Polay/HBO)

Last season introduced "Thrones" watchers to the charismatic and sexy Prince Oberyn of Dorne, and on Sunday night, the story finally turned to how those in Oberyn's homeland are reacting to his death in the ring against The Mountain. An enraged Ellaria Sand, Oberyn's lover, demanded Prince Doran (Oberyn's older brother) retaliate. Oberyn's daughters, The Sand Snakes, got a mention as Ellaria said they are with her on this matter. She even suggested sending Myrcella Baratheon back in little pieces to Cersei, but Doran told her that's now how they do things. He also pointed out that Oberyn lost the trial by combat. A standoff is clearly brewing.

A Man Returns

Tom Wlaschiha as Jaqen H’ghar (Helen Sloan/HBO)
Tom Wlaschiha as Jaqen H’ghar (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Jaqen H'ghar is back! Tom Wlaschiha returned to the role of Jaqen H'ghar (last seen changing his face after bidding adieu to Arya at the end of Season 2), but it took him a few scenes to appear in the role of the tall man with trademark red hair (with a white streak) and most unusual speech patterns.

After crossing the Narrow Sea to Braavos, where she was dropped off at the steps of the House of Black and White, Arya knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man. "No one here by that name," he said, shooing her away when she asked for Jaqen. Persistent, and with nowhere to go, Arya didn't give up (at first), waiting outside, twirling the coin Jaqen gave her back in Season 2, and repeating her prayers (her hit list of names – Cersei, Walder Frey, The Mountain, Meryn Trant). After a day, a night, and another day, Arya tossed the coin into the sea and went off into Braavos. Trouble found her, but Arya stood ready to fight when three thugs attempted to take her sword. "Nothing's worth anything to dead men," she said to them, very much channeling The Hound. It was the reappearance of the old man behind her though that scared the three street thugs away. Arya followed him all the way back to the steps of the House of Black and White and confronted him. "Who are you? Why were they scared of you?" she asked. He tossed back her coin, mysteriously recovered from the sea. As she looked up from the coin in her hand to his face, he changed and became her funny-talking ally from Harenhaal – Jaqen H'ghar. Or is he? "A man is not Jaqen H'ghar," he said, walking toward the door. "Who are you then?" Arya asked the man. "No one, and that is who a girl must become," he replied, opening the door to her next journey.

WATCH: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Cast: Mistaken Identities?

Justice Leads To Riots For Daenerys

Mossador, the man Daenerys Targaryen tasked in the Season 5 premiere with finding out who from the Sons of the Harpy (the men in the gold masks) killed her Unsullied, went rogue. He found the man responsible, but instead of letting Dany's plan of bringing the man to trial (something Ser Barristan suggested) play out, he killed him and put his corpse outside for all to see. It put Dany in a very serious predicament, as she had to then pronounce judgment on Mossador in front of the people of Meereen. They let her inside their borders because she promised freedom and justice, but "one cannot exist without the other," she told the crowd as she carried out justice in front of them. Under her command, Daario Naharis cut off Mossador's head, shocking everyone into silence (only the birds could be heard in that moment). Quickly though, things turned from shock to chaos. The former slaves threw rocks at the former masters, Dany's group was attacked too and her Unsullied guards had to rush her out, shielding her from an unruly mob ready to stone her.

#WhereIsDrogon Watch Ends

Drogon (HBO)
Drogon (HBO)

HBO launched a Twitter hashtag campaign as Season 5 began, asking fans #WhereIsDrogon, Dany's largest and most wild dragon. In Episode 2, he was found. After Daenerys dismissed her guards from protecting her following the riot, she found Drogon on her rooftop. At a low moment for her, Drogon came to see the Mother of Dragons, cheering her up a little. And he almost let her touch him before he flew off to parts unknown.

And The 998th Lord Commander of The Night's Watch Is… 

Brother Janos Slynt made the case for Ser Alliser Thorne, giving a speech to encourage the men of the Night's Watch to vote Ser Alliser the next Lord Commander. Another brother spoke out for an older Night's Watch member. Just before the voting began though, Samwell couldn't help himself and submitted Jon Snow's name. He slammed Ser Janos for hiding during the siege and pointed out the former Lord Commander, the late Lord Mormont, "saw something in Jon." "And now we've all seen it too," Samwell continued. "He may be young, but he's the commander we turned to when the night was darkest." And then it was time for the vote. It ended in a tie between Ser Alliser and Jon. Maester Aemon's vote became the tie-breaker. It went to Jon Snow.

"Game of Thrones" continues Sundays at 9 PM ET/PT on HBO.

-- Jolie Lash

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