Dennis Quaid Meltdown Rant On Movie Set: Real Or Prank? (VIDEO)

Dennis Quaid Meltdown

(Getty Images)

Dennis Quaid appears to have an on-set meltdown in a newly surfaced video showing the actor freaking out during a movie shoot, ranting explicitly in frustration about the “unprofessional” people around him. But it’s not clear whether Quaid snapped for real… or if it’s part of a prank. Watch the video below.

The 43-second clip, taken on a cell phone, starts with Quaid losing his cool while standing behind a desk on a set made to look like an office. The actor screams, “What the f*ck? Keep going. I am acting here, and this d*ckhead [pointing to unseen person] wanders onto my set. I can’t even get a line out before Dopey the D*ck starts whispering in your ear, and you’re not even watching anymore.”

When someone tries to reason with Quaid, he explodes, “I am doing my job here! I am a pro! This is the most unprofessional set I have ever been on! This is horsesh*t!” At this point, the cell phone camera is pointed at the floor, but we hear Quaid continuing, “I’ve got these f*cking zombies over here, that I’ve got to look at. I have a bunch of p*ssies staring at me… This is garbage! Blow me!”

There have been some very real on-set meltdowns in recent years, with Christian Bale and David O. Russell infamously caught on tape losing their cool. But with the proliferation of pranks by the likes of Jimmy Kimmel, who has quietly staged viral videos before revealing himself as the mastermind, it’s never quite certain whether footage like this is legitimate. A number of outlets are pointing to the lack of context (what movie is this? when did it supposedly happen?) as evidence that it’s fake, while other people say Quaid’s language is a little too strong for it to be a TV-based hoax. What do you think?

Daniel Gates