Bethenny Takes On Weight Critics – ARTICLE

At 5' 6", "The Real Housewives of New York's" Bethenny Frankel has a long history of being criticized for being too thin.

But, in a new interview with Access Hollywood Live's Billy Bush and guest co-host Louise Roe, she proved she's not afraid of the scale.

"What, am I going to start complaining about people saying I'm thin? I have a brand called Skinnygirl and second of all, people just like to pick new stuff to talk about," Bethenny told Billy and Louise. "What, am I going to go on like a soap box and start talking, 'Woah is me. People are calling me skinny?' I'm not interested in that. Who cares."

The 44-year-old made it clear to Billy, Louise and everyone that her weight is a non-issue, and she even stepped on a scale to prove her point on the Access stage (the scale read 114.4).

WATCH: Bethenny Frankel: Why I Don’t Believe In ‘Legal Marriage’

That number doesn't mean anything to Bethenny. She's too busy running her Skinnygirl empire, raising her 4-year-old daughter, Bryn, and trying to help other women whose love lives may have imploded, with her new book, "I Suck at Relationships So You Don't Have To."

Bethenny addressed calling men morons, cavemen and babies in her first chapter.

WATCH: Bethenny Frankel: Why I Don’t Believe In ‘Legal Marriage’

"I just think that we underestimate how simple men are," she said, when Louise brought up the subject. "And, it doesn't mean that they're not intelligent, intellectual and can be complex. It just means that men really just want the remote, sex, food, sleep and not be bombarded when they walk in the door."

Bethenny is still locked in a divorce battle with Jason Hoppy.

"Listen, I'm just not good at like staying with somebody, but I'm not bad at getting the guy, I mean, don't get it twisted," she said.

Asked about marriage, Bethenny shared her view with Billy and Louise.

"I don't believe in legal marriage. I don't. I don't believe that you should be in a contract with someone that you love. I do contracts every single day for my brand, Skinnygirl. And I don't think that you should be in a contract with matters the heart," she continued. "I really don't. But I believe in love. I believe in commitment. I would completely love a life partner. I just don't want the law to be involved in that."

-- Access Hollywood Staff

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