WATCH: Jimmy Kimmel And Matthew McConaughey Do Hilarious TV Commercial For Local Austin Video Store

Jimmy Kimmel Video Store


Jimmy Kimmel is doing a week of shows in Austin, and he wanted to help the community by shooting a commercial for a local business. He chose Vulcan Video, one of the city’s few surviving video stores in the age of Netflix and on-demand. And he recruited Matthew McConaughey for the job. Watch the video below!

It was an inspired idea. Kimmel’s visit to Austin coincides with the SXSW Festival, which is largely focused on new media. The late-night host thought it’d be interesting to promote a business that is deliberately old media. Since Vulcan Video still carries VHS tapes, it was perfect.

Kimmel and McConaughey actually shot three different versions of their commercial for the store, each of them delightfully weird. The spots stress Vulcan Video’s wide selection of “Canadian TV” shows, as well as the store’s bathroom and free parking.

There’s a hilarious bit in which McConaughey describes the personal service he got from store proprietor Bryan, which led to McConaughey getting a discounted version of his own movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. And, of course, there are humorous references to the actor’s “Alright, alright, alright” catch phrase and his widely-mocked Lincoln car ads. Watch the video below!

Daniel Gates