‘The Flash’: Actor Talks Shocker! – ARTICLE

There are still weeks to go before the finale, but "The Flash" just delivered up more end-of-season-worthy shockers.

(Spoiler alert: If you haven't watched Tuesday's "Tricksters" episode of "The Flash," stop reading and bookmark this link to come back to later.)

The main plot of "The Flash" centered around Barry Allen/The Flash and Det. Joe West stopping the original Trickster (Mark Hamill) and his (surprise!) son (Mark's character even said in the episode, "I am your father," in a very "Star Wars"-esque moment) from hurting the citizens of Central City. But, the subplot, which was set back in time, delivered the biggest jaw-dropping reveals.

Matt Letscher

PHOTOS: '‘The Flash' -- Season 1 Villains

While we already know that Harrison Wells is future man Eobard Thawne, we actually got to see how and why he is Eobard, courtesy of "Carrie Diaries" alum Matt Letscher. On Tuesday night, it was revealed that Matt is playing future Eobard, who fought with Barry Allen/The Flash in the past. Somehow, he ended up shorting out his own speed force, leaving him stuck in the past. Matt's Eobard then turned to stalking a younger Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), spying on the eventual S.T.A.R. Labs founder as he drank wine on the beach with his lady, Tess.

Later, future Eobard caused original Harrison and Tess to have the car crash that killed Tess and allowed Eobard to come face to face with Harrison, and take his life force (turning Matt's Eobard into Tom's Eobard, but with Harrison's face). And it was all so that he could put things in motion to cause the particle accelerator to explode sooner in history. Devious stuff! Luckily, Access Hollywood had "Flash" newcomer Matt to turn to for a few details.

WATCH: ‘The Flash’: Grant Gustin On Working With Original Trickster Mark Hamill

AccessHollywood.com: Have you seen 'Game of Thrones'?
Matt Letscher:

Access: Did you feel a little bit like Jaqen H'ghar?
You know, I hadn't (laughs) -- I hadn't drawn that connection, but now that you mention it, yeah, yeah. I did feel a little bit like that.

Access: The man who can change his face in 'Thrones.' My goodness. So… did you and Tom Cavanagh have conversations? Did you talk, because… he was the character (of Eobard) before you were the character?
When I was first told about the role and what it was going to be, I was shocked, because I had been watching the show. I had been watching what Tom was doing and I was like, 'Oh, that's what's happening with him, okay.' But when it came to actually doing it, Tom and I didn't have too many conversations. I definitely re-watched some of the episodes to see what he had been doing and tried to just sort of find a flavor in his cadence or his demeanor that I could incorporate to a certain extent, but you know, it was mostly like... 'He's all yours, go ahead.' You know, 'Let 'er rip.' And Tom is an exceedingly generous and intelligent actor, so I just – once I got there, when it came to our scenes, I just pretty much followed his lead.

Access: Do you have your own suit?
I do not have my own suit. I had to cram myself into Tom's suit, which was not easy. It took about 12 people to get me into that suit. … Once I was in, it was like -- I don't know -- it's just one of those, 'Aha!' like, 'This is so cool that I'm doing this!' kind of moment.

READ: 'The Flash': Tom Cavanagh, EP Andrew Kreisberg Talk Eobard Thawne Twists In March 18 Episode

Access: Not only do you get to be in an episode with Mark Hamill, but you get to cram yourself into a [Reverse Flash suit], which is just crazy.
It was a milestone week all around for me.

Access: Who did you get to geek out with because this [was] such a huge secret you had to keep? [When you get the role], you can't tell people, there are contracts.
That was one of the first things they said, 'You can't tell anybody.' So I told my family and I got to geek out with my boys, because they're huge fans of the show, but then, I forbid them from telling anybody, so they ended up hating me for it because it's just torture. They had to keep this secret for so long.

Access: In hindsight, do you think you should have told them you were just maybe a reporter on the show?
No, no. I think it's good that they have to – they have to understand suffering. They have to come to grips with that concept, so having to keep the secret for a couple of months isn't too bad.

Access: The opening scene – [there's a point where] you're chasing Barry, do you know why? I know you can't tell me why, but do you know why he's chasing Barry?
You know, I mean the simplest answer is that they're arch enemies and I'm not sure he is chasing Barry in the opening scene. Is he chasing Barry or is Barry chasing him? I'm not sure what's happening there. There's obviously something happening in that house that needs to happen for the Reverse Flash and I think they're gonna sort out exactly what that is over the coming months.

Access: Are we going to get learn more about why Eobard needs to have the particle accelerator explode quicker?
I hope so. I will be coming back this season and we will further the storyline and exactly what's going on with him, but how and when we do that, obviously I can't [say].

Access: There's been a lot of talk about Eobard thinking that the people that he's interacting with in Central City have been long dead and that's maybe one of the reasons he has less care for their lives.
That's exactly right. … You touched on something that's important and that is, time, to him, and life and death over the course of time is something that he has a much different conception of than most people. Everybody around him, everybody in the world in this point in time has been long gone by the time he arrives and so it's almost like he's operating within the walls of a museum. It's not like they weren't going to die anyway. They were going to die. Since that's the case... if he has to accelerate that process, so be it, if it can get him back to where he needs to be.

Access: Do you think he's worried at all about messing up the space time continuum? I mean, 'Back to the Future' must've existed in the future where he's from.
Yeah, he should've maybe been a little bit more aware of that template and what could happen. I think he's wholly consumed with his own focus and his own needs. Everything else is secondary.

Access: Do you think we'll get some future scenes with you or some more explanation as to who he is in the future and why he wants to get back there so much? Maybe he has loved ones or maybe he's got a cool job, like ruler?
Yeah, I think he's got like a -- just a hot girlfriend or something, or really sweet yacht that he just really misses and wants to get back to. I honestly have no idea. … I don't know where they're gonna go with it, but I know that they do want to get into it, so I look forward to it.

WATCH: Wentworth Miller & Dominic Purcell On Working Together On ‘The Flash’

Access: Dominic Purcell [who plays Heat Wave] told us being on 'The Flash' made him cooler with his kids. ... Do you feel more of a cool dude around young people because you're in 'The Flash'?
Yeah, definitely. .... So yeah, I'm looking forward to the extra street cred with not only my children, but children around the world.

Access: Exactly, because it's hard for parents to be cool with children as they [grow up].
Totally. And that's natural, you know? They shouldn't be cool all the time, but I'm hoping this buys me a few more years.

"The Flash" continues Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

-- Jolie Lash

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