‘Last Man on Earth’: Will Phil Win Over His Dream Girl? (Exclusive Video)

Last Man on Earth Clip She Drives Me Crazy - H 2015

Courtesy of FOX

For Last Man on Earth’s Phil Miller (Will Forte), getting with Cool Girl Melissa (January Jones) is still nothing but a fantasy, despite his hopes to the contrary.

The arrival of Jones' Melissa was one of series of reveals that completely turned the world as Phil knew it on its axis — especially as he realized that his shotgun marriage to the quirky, controlling and presumed Last Woman on Earth Carol (Kristen Schaal) might have been a little premature.

Read more 'Last Man on Earth's' Kristen Schaal: Last Woman Carol Is Phil's "Savior"

Immediately warm for her form besotted with the blonde, Phil set out to convince Carol that being with Melissa would only help further Carol’s agenda of eventual repopulation. Shaving the beard and dolling himself up to impress and seduce the horny newest member of the "Alive in Tuscon" gang, it seemed like luck may finally have been on Phil’s side.

However, in another case of a cruel, cruel timing, last week’s episode of the hit freshman comedy found Phil out of luck on the Melissa front as Mel Rodriguez’sovergrown frat boy Todd joined the party and effectively swooped Melissa right out from under Phil’s nose.

Three’s a party, but four is a crowd indeed — and that sentiment continues in The Hollywood Reporter’s exclusive sneak preview that finds Phil fantasizing about his lovely crush, only to be brought back down to earth by a world that’s getting perhaps a tad bit crowded for his liking.

Watch two back-to-back episodes of Last Man on Earth this Sunday at 9 p.m. on FOX.

Twitter: @NotPhelan

Paige Phelan