420.republican is a real website, and no one has claimed it yet.
1. youwillneverbe.cool
2. peeingyourpantsis.cool
3. penis.pizza
4. dogsinsunglasses.pizza
5. feed.buzz
6. buzzfeed.pizza
7. howaboutthem.apple
8. whatthefrick.wtf
9. takingyoutopound.town
10. myexistenceisanepic.fail
11. hitler.horse
12. triedtomakemegoto.rehab
13. 420.republican
14. karlrove.democrat
15. bacon.diet
16. gottagetadell.computer
17. seriouslydont.click
18. heroin.vodka
19. lookatmy.wang
20. kanyeand.kim
21. killthe.rich
22. penis.surgery
23. whatabunchof.tools
24. unappealing.porn
25. burtreynolds.pictures
26. noooo.ooo
27. socialmedia.ninja
28. rihanna.navy
29. kelseygrammer.meme
30. kelseygrammer.pizza
31. kelseygrammerfans.singles
32. frasierfans.club
33. nudistsagainst.clothing
34. michaelbuble.hiphop
35. indigogirls.hiphop
36. myboyfriendgeorge.glass
37. iregretthisgrumpycat.tattoo
Could be yours on iregretthisgrumpycat.tattoo!!
*These were all available when I checked – if it's no longer available, that means someone bought it after this was posted. I hope they're using it well.