19 Reasons You Should Absolutely Sign Up For A 10K Run

If you’ve never run a race but you kinda maybe fancy it, this is your sign.

Because once you've paid the fee, there's no backing out.

I umm-ed and ahh-ed about signing up for a race for aaaaaages before I actually did it. But as soon as I paid £20 and had an actual date to work towards, I got my shit together and started training.


And you'll find the whole process so much easier if you sign up with a friend.

And you'll find the whole process so much easier if you sign up with a friend.

My housemate and I signed up together and used our runs as an excuse to gossip three times a week.

Warner Bros. / popsugar.com

And you're well within your rights to have a needlessly large meal after every run.

Because you've exercised. So it doesn't count. Right?


Tracking your runs is actually quite fun.

You'll soon find that you enjoy seeing how quickly you can do the same routes.


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