Nick Gordon Has Never Tried To Visit Bobbi Kristina Brown In Hospital, Says Family

Nick Gordon Visit Bobbi Kristina Brown Hospital

(Getty Images)

Nick Gordon has not even attempted to visit Bobbi Kristina Brown since she’s been on life support at the hospital, claim members of Whitney Houston’s family. Houston’s family says it’s not true that he’s been denied access, despite what Gordon and his attorney have said. Gossip Cop has reached out to Gordon’s attorney for a comment about the Houstons’ contention, but we have yet to hear back from him.

After Brown’s cousin Jerrod told Atlanta’s NBC 11Alive news station that Gordon was “taking legal action… to get visits to see Krissy,” Gordon’s attorney curiously issued a statement that said his client was not going to court for visitation rights, which in a way lends credence to the Houstons’ claim that he hasn’t even made an attempt to see his girlfriend who is on life support. The lawyer said at the time that Gordon “remains in constant prayer for his companion and he hopes to be reunited with her soon.”

There have been rumors, however, that Bobby Brown’s relatives have threatened Gordon, which might explain his reluctance to go inside the hospital. That remains, however, all set against the backdrop of reports of alleged domestic violence between Gordon and Brown. Additionally, Gossip Cop previously confirmed with the Rosewell, Georgia police department that there’s an “open investigation” into the circumstances that led to Brown being found unconscious in her bathtub before Gordon and another man reportedly tried to resuscitate her and call 911. Since then, new details have emerged, including Gordon being looked into for alleged foul play since marks were found on Brown’s body when she was transported to the hospital. Gossip Cop will have continue to have updates.

Michael Lewittes