12 Questions For Reddit On Its New Policy For Stolen Nudes And Revenge Porn

The announcement is the easy part.

Today Reddit co-founder and new executive chairman Alexis Ohanian announced a change to its privacy policy that's designed to make sure users don't publish nude photos or post pictures of users engaging in sexual acts without the subjects' consent.

It's an important and long-awaited change for the company, which has struggled since its launch to balance its fierce support of free speech with the protection of its users and, in many cases, the legal reality of hosting stolen and illegal content.

Of course, the announcement is the easy part. Now Reddit must begin the painstaking process of having to process and execute takedown requests from the site's over 9,000 communities. And while many of the realities of that process won't begin to fully present themselves until it begins in earnest, BuzzFeed News had a few questions for the site.

1. Will users have to file DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) requests or can they simply email the Reddit address?
2. Will users need to meet a certain standard of proof — or will requests immediately trigger a takedown?
3. Why not require proven consent for anything posted?
4. How do you verify lack of consent?
5. Will Reddit provide the IP address of the offender's account to victims and/or law enforcement?
6. How many staffers will be assigned to monitor the contact@reddit.com email address?
7. How many takedowns does the site feel confident it can process daily?
8. Will takedowns apply to all nude photos or just those that are explictly designated as revenge porn?
9. Will only certain subreddits be policed for this content or can it come from any subreddit?
10. What are the penalties for users who violate these new terms?
11. Is there any statute of limitations for this policy — are users who posted photos that violate this policy before February 24th 2015 subject to penalties for posting violating content in the years since Reddit's launch?
12. Will Reddit have any technology once a violating picture has been identified to make sure the picture isn't reposted?

Ohanian responded to BuzzFeed News' request to say that Reddit's community lead would be getting in touch with a full response. Until then, Ohanian expressed his excitement to get the process under way. "Personally glad to see that everyone has responded so well to this and I'm hopeful other sites will follow suit. This is just one step on the journey of taking our platform of over 9,000 communities to many, many more!" he said.

BuzzFeed News will update this post with responses from Reddit when we receive them.

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