Yolanda Foster: I Can’t Read Or Write Due To Worsening Lyme Disease

Yolanda Foster Lyme Disease

(Getty Images)

Yolanda Foster reveals her Lyme Disease has worsened significantly in a new Bravo blog post. The “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star was diagnosed with the illness in 2012, and while she later improved, Foster says he has now debilitated to the point where she can’t read or write.

“I wasted the first year trying to get diagnosed and spent the next two trying to find a cure. I have gone from the conventional long-term antibiotics to about every holistic protocol there is to offer,” she says. “Unfortunately, I was only able to get to about a 60% recovery until I relapsed in early December and have not been able to find my way back.”

Explaining that the disease “can leave one with severe brain impairment and neurological issues,” Foster says she has “lost the ability to read, write, or even watch TV, because I can’t process information or any stimulation for that matter. It feels like someone came in and confiscated my brain and tied my hands behind my back to just watch and see life go by without me participating in it.”

Foster, who is wed to famed music producer David Foster and is the mother of up-and-coming model Gigi Hadid, goes on to share her frustrations over the fact that though Lyme Disease dates back more than a hundred years, “we still don’t have proper diagnostic testing, a vaccine, or a cure for Lyme disease while we are living in the United States of America, the most extraordinary country in the world.” “Something doesn’t add up here, and I will [make] it my life mission to figure this out, because nobody deserves to suffer this way in 2015,” she says, adding, “Unfortunately, I am of no use to anyone or anything at this moment while weathering the storm.”

Foster recently touched on her woes during an appearance on “Watch What Happens Live” last month (see video below), but never discussed how much she was suffering until now. She says, “As tired and hopeless as I feel at times, I have an undeniable spirit that will continue to fight and travel the world until I have the proper answers. I keep reminding myself that I was given this task for a greater purpose, which keeps me driven and motivated to think outside the box to make a difference not only for myself but for all my fellow Lymies suffering some form of this debilitating disease that we know so little about.”

“I am a firm believer that God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling, so even though I have not found a cure, I have faith that I will,” says Foster, who describes herself as a “human being battling this everyday disability.” She thanks fans for their support, and asks, “Join me in making a kind gesture to someone every day, because everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so your kindness goes a long way, and together we can make a real difference in someone’s day.”

Shari Weiss