HollywoodLife Makes Up Angelina Jolie And Jennifer Aniston “Tense Moment” At Critics’ Choice Movie Awards

Angelina Jolie Jennifer Aniston Critics Choice Awards


Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston walked the same red carpet on Thursday for the first time since 2009, but only one outlet is claiming the stars had a “tense moment” afterward. Yep, you guessed it. It’s HollywooodLife.

Following the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, HollywoodLife posted an “exclusive” alleging Jolie and Aniston had an “awkward moment” when they “came face to face” at the ceremony. “When they locked eyes from across the room, it definitely wasn’t pretty!” declared the webloid, quoting an “eyewitness” as saying, “While Angie walked to her seat she definitely caught eyes with Jen and there was a tense staredown.”

“They are seated about 50 feet from each other — far enough not to have to interact but they know where each other is,” claims HollywoodLife’s grammatically-challenged source, who, in a transparent attempt to seem close to both Aniston and Jolie, calls them “Jen” and “Angie.” The site goes on to write, “Wow, it sounds like there’s still some very bad blood between these two.” Of course, no other media outlet but HollywoodLife has said there was any kind of “tense moment” with Jolie and Aniston at the star-studded event.

And that’s because it didn’t happen. Us Weekly even noted that Aniston and fiancé Justin Theroux walked in to the venue seconds before the live broadcast started, “ensuring no pre-show uncomfortable encounters.” The magazine makes no mention of any “staredown,” and specifically says they “managed to avoid any awkward moments.”

But HollywoodLife would rather create drama than report the truth. The webloid even has a poll with its story, asking readers whether Jolie and Aniston should “bury the hatchet.” Earlier this month, Aniston pointedly said in a “CBS Sunday Morning” interview that “everybody” has moved on. It’s time HollywoodLife did, too.

Shari Weiss