Anne Hathaway: I Binge Watched ‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ While Suffering Swine Flu (VIDEO)

Anne Hathaway Swine Flu Toddlers Tiaras


Anne Hathaway does not watch much reality TV, but did have one memorable binge. When the Oscar winner had swine flu, she watched a “Toddlers & Tiaras” marathon. For real. On Monday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Hathaway explained how her husband Adam Shulman put a swift end to her obsession. Check out the video below!

The actress describes how she was on “heavy meds” and thought “Toddlers & Tiaras” was the greatest thing ever, watching for eight hours while Shulman was out running errands. When he came home, a feverish Hathaway told him, “Honey, I’ve just found the most incredible show, you’ve got to watch it, it’s so funny!”

Except he didn’t find it so entertaining. “This is disgusting!” Shulman told Hathaway. “It’s child abuse!” And after Shulman cast the troubling reality series in that light, it was hard for Hathaway not to agree.

The star also talked to Kimmel about her recent experience hosting her parents for 12 nights over Christmas. “We invented the most disgusting drink known to man,” revealed Hathaway. “It makes me a little nauseous to think about it… Chardonnog.” It’s exactly what it sounds like, but we’ll let Hathaway give the gory details. Check out the videos below!

Daniel Gates