Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel NOT Getting Divorce, Despite Star Report

Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel Divorce


Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are NOT getting a divorce. The new Star cover story might claim they’re getting divorced, but the magazine claimed in earlier cover stories this year that Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Will Smith, Channing Tatum, Faith Hill and Nicole Kidman were ALL getting divorced. How’d those stories turn out? What’s that? EVERY SINGLE STORY TURNED OUT TO BE WRONG? What a shocker.

Oh, and Star ran a “$200 Million Divorce Shocker!” cover about Biel and Timberlake back in September. More than three months later, the endless carousel of bogus Star split stories is apparently back to Biel and Timberlake, with no new real evidence or lines of thought.

The magazine claims Biel is upset about the time Timberlake spends away from her while on tour. “Jessica recently issued Justin an ultimatum: If he doesn’t step up to the plate and fully commit to their relationship and growing family, she’ll pull the plug on their two-year marriage,” explains Star.

Star tries to make a big deal about Timberlake not wearing his wedding ring while performing in Brooklyn on December 14, but like many other performers, he keeps his wedding band in a safe place while onstage for concerts. Plus, Gossip Cop knows for a fact that when Timberlake comes offstage, the ring goes back on.

A source close to the two also confirms to Gossip Cop that they’re always together, unless work obligations make it impossible. And despite what the tabloid claims, Biel is on tour with Timberlake when it’s feasible. She was with him during the Brooklyn concert (when he wasn’t wearing his ring), and we’re told there’s a good chance she’ll be with him on Wednesday when he performs in Philadelphia.

So here we are again. Star claims Timberlake and Biel are breaking up, based on the same kind of misinformation and phony quotes as always, and then the magazine doesn’t really have the guts to back up its “divorce bombshell” cover claim, instead saying that the couple could be splitting unless they work things out first. There is, once again, and just like in all the aforementioned “divorces” announced by Star, NO truth to the allegation. A source close to the situation assures Gossip Cop exclusively that Biel and Timberlake are NOT in trouble.

Daniel Gates