Here’s Gauahar Khan’s Graceful And Badass Response To Being Slapped For Wearing Short Dresses

*Standing ovation*

On November 30, Indian actress and model Gauahar Khan was presenting at reality singing show Raw Star when audience member Akil Malik approached the stage and slapped her. He later explained that he had a problem with her "short dresses."

On November 30, Indian actress and model Gauahar Khan was presenting at reality singing show Raw Star when audience member Akil Malik approached the stage and slapped her. He later explained that he had a problem with her "short dresses."

The police immediately arrested Malik and booked him with assault (under Section 354 of the Indian penal code), causing hurt (Section 323), and criminal intimidation (Section 506).

After taking an hour's break to recover, Khan came back on stage and finished filming the show.

"Actresses are the face of society and they should not wear skirts and short clothes as they make youngsters get attracted to them sexually," Khan's attacker reportedly explained to police. "These days, boys who are minors are also committing crimes such as rape and molestation and many of them keep obscene photographs of actresses in their pockets. If actresses stop wearing short clothes, crime will decrease and lead to a better society.”

The internet responded with suitable outrage on Khan's behalf.

STRDEL / Getty Images

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