Ben McKenzie: Handcuffs Are “Fun” For Sex, Bunk Beds Not So Much

Ben McKenzie Sex

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Ben McKenzie opens up (at least more than usual) in a new Elle interview, revealing a sex life littered with bunk beds and handcuffs, but NOT Nina Dobrev. He was falsely linked to the actress earlier this year after they were spotted embracing at Comic-Con. Gossip Cop was the first to bust the rumor back then, and McKenzie can’t believe it got so much attention in the first place.

“I gave Nina Dobrev a hug!” he explains. “The one time I actually didn’t hook up with someone… I’m really shy about that stuff. I really don’t like relationships to be played out in public. It creates terrible strain. It creates bizarre dynamics. There’s that saying, ‘Less said about the bedroom, the better.'”

But let’s talk about the bedroom. Elle points out that McKenzie had bunk beds in his first New York apartment, and wonders how the women in his life felt about that. “You have to talk about it before you enter the apartment,” he explains. “You can’t just drop that bomb. I may have managed a makeout session or two, but I certainly don’t remember being able to seal the deal. Any woman worth her salt has to draw a line at some point. And that line is definitely having bunk beds as a 22-year-old.”

When he finally made money on “The O.C.,” McKenzie was finally “able to take a girl out to a nice meal.” He says, “I like the idea of old-fashioned dating, which at this point is almost heretical. People are genuinely surprised when you ask them out.”

There’s no Tinder in McKenzie’s life. Fame makes it impossible. “The loss of anonymity is the cost of doing business,” he says. “But my friends are on Tinder. They have some interesting stories.”

McKenzie has played cops on screen, but has he ever used handcuffs in the bedroom? “I didn’t have them. They were brought. And that’s fun. As long as they’re not actual real ones where you can lose the key,” he tells the outlet. “You want the obviously not real ones. The pink fluffy ones.”

As for monogamy, McKenzie says, “I’ve never had a problem being monogamous in a serious relationship. I’ve also never had a problem dating as I see fit when I’m not in a relationship. The guilt of not being monogamous would be massive. I don’t think that I could deal with that. Maybe that’s why I’m not in a relationship.” What do you think about what McKenzie has to say?

Daniel Gates