Steve Carell
If Steve Carell garners award recognition for his dramatic turn as Olympic wrestling benefactor John du Pont in Foxcatcher, he's got Howard Stern to thank.
"I could love to get nominated, I'll be honest with you — I think it'd be really, really cool," said Carell while on The Howard Stern Show, also noting that he didn't watch his 60 Minutes special. "One of the main reason it would be cool is because my folks are 89, and that would be such a cool thing."
Stern later pledged his support to campaign on his behalf, and noted, "I feel you should thank me when you win the Academy Award," to which Carell responded, "I'll make you a deal. If that happens, I will thank you."
Carell would join a very small subgroup of Oscar winners if he becomes one himself. While on Good Morning America on Wednesday, the actor was informed that three other Oscar winners who won with fake noses: Robert de Niro in Raging Bull, Nicole Kidman in The Hours and Jose Ferrer in Cyrano de Bergerac.
Watch the Good Morning America video below.
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