Kristen Stewart “Never Been Better” Than in Still Alice, Getting Oscar Campaign Push

Kristen Stewart Still Alice Oscar Nomination

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Kristen Stewart has “never been better than she is” in Still Alice, says the distributor of her upcoming movie.

Sony Pictures Classic co-chief Michael Barker sings the actress’ praises in a new interview, and reveals that the company will campaign for her to receive a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination.

He declares, “Kristen Stewart has never been better than she is in this film.”

“Kristen Stewart is someone we have seen in many movies over the last several years — four in 2014, with three coming up in 2015 so far — and she has shown great range in such a wide variety of genres,” says Barker. “But there is something about this performance that has new depths that she hasn’t shown before.”

He adds, “She’s really terrific in the film.”

As for the Academy Awards push for Stewart, lead actress Julianne Moore, and others in the film, Barker shares, “Not only do you send the DVDs, but you have ads and screenings and try to point out these categories for attention.”

And, according to him, Stewart is more than game to take part.

“As far as I know, she’s fully supportive of this film in a major way,” Barker tells The Hollywood Reporter. “We certainly are.”

Still Alice, whose films rights went to Sony Pictures Classic after its debut at the Toronto Film Festival last month, features Moore as a woman battling early-onset Alzheimer’s, and Stewart as the daughter who fights with but helps cares for her.

It will play in theaters in New York and Los Angeles in December for one week for an Oscar-qualifying run, before its official opening on January 16.

Are you excited for Still Alice?

Shari Weiss