Justin Bieber Is Not Becoming Professional Cage Fighter, Despite Magazine Claim

Justin Bieber Cage Fighter

(Getty Images)

Justin Bieber is not trying to become a professional cage fighter, despite a hilariously made up story by one of the tabloids. As absurd as it sounded, Gossip Cop still investigated, much like we do with every story, and we were exclusively told by Bieber’s rep that the claim is 100 percent not true.

The ridiculous story was first published by Star, the same magazine that has printed countless inaccuracies about the singer, including a story that alleged Bieber became a dad at 15. The current issue says Bieber wants to “reinvent” himself as a cage fighter, and even quotes one of its unreliable sources as saying, “He’s taking private lessons and wants to turn professional.” Star adds that he’s getting tips from Floyd Mayweather. “All he does is work out and spar. He’s completely forgotten about music,” adds the ill-informed source.

According to the new report, Bieber’s team just wants the singer to get back into the studio and record more music, but The Biebs is “obsessed with fighting.” To add credibility to its entirely bogus story, the tabloid then quotes an unnamed (and presumably imaginary) fighter as saying Bieber has “serious potential” in the cage.

First off, Mayweather is a professional boxer, not a cage fighter, and the magazine used photos Bieber shared of a recent workout with his pal to create its latest nonsense. Bieber very much likes to stay in shape, which includes occasionally boxing training, but he is not switching careers and becoming a cage fighter. He also happens to be in the studio working on music, despite the magazine’s assertions. When Gossip Cop asked about the claim made in Star, Bieber’s rep simply laughed.

Michael Lewittes