Amy Poehler Talks Porn & Sex Tips On Howard Stern Show (LISTEN)

Amy Poehler Sex

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Amy Poehler talked about porn, her sex life, divorcing Will Arnett, acting with Lindsay Lohan and rapping for Sarah Palin during a wide-ranging interview on Monday’s “The Howard Stern Show.”

The actress covers a lot of very personal topics in her book “Yes Please,” and Stern asked Poehler to explain what she thinks makes for good sex. “I think you enjoy it, and you have fun,” she replied. “You’re openminded, and you feel good about yourself. There’s not a lot of shame or judgment in any of it.”

When Stern wondered whether she’d be into bondage, Poehler said “sure,” although she mentioned that “Fifty Shades of Grey” didn’t do much for her because she “didn’t believe the characters.”

Poehler admitted, “I like porn, and I think people should do whatever they want,” but she thinks hardcore content has maybe become too prevalent, explaining, “This generation, porn is so accessible… sometimes guys don’t connect with the person actually in front of them.” “I like my porn like my comedy — done by professionals, women at the top of their game,” revealed Poehler, who said she watches “whenever I find the time.”

Poehler advised women to “keep your virginity as long as you can, until you feel weird about it.”

As for her split from Arnett, the star said that they’re still “good friends” and have had a very amicable divorce. “We are doing a really good job,” she told Stern, adding, “I don’t think a ten year relationship constitutes a failure.”

Poehler talked about dating after getting divorced, with new elements like texting involved. She also wondered whether a dinner she had with John Stamos was a date. Poehler is now in a relationship with fellow comedian Nick Kroll, saying “it’s all fine” with Arnett.

She also spoke at length about her time at “Saturday Night Live,” including her famous portrayal of Hillary Clinton, and an infamous sketch with Lindsay Lohan, whom she also worked with on Mean Girls. Poehler said Lohan was “great” and a “pro.”

Hear highlights from Amy Poehler on “Howard Stern” below, and tell us what you think!


Daniel Gates