Woman Tells Her Employer She Has Cancer And Gets Laid Off

A Pennsylvania woman says she was laid off from her job of 12 years in a handwritten letter after she was diagnosed with cancer last month.

Jumper was diagnosed with cancer last month and the disease is affecting her ovaries, liver and pancreas, the Beaver Countain reported. When she let her employer, Dr. George Visnich, know about her diagnosis, his response was startling.

"It was about a week later she gets this registered letter delivered at the house," Jumper's fiancé, Dennis Smerigan told the website. "I was pissed when I read that letter. No kind of man sends a letter like that."

Jumper received a handwritten letter from Dr. Visnich notifying her she was being laid off over her cancer diagnosis.

Jumper received a handwritten letter from Dr. Visnich notifying her she was being laid off over her cancer diagnosis.

"You are currently engaged in a battle against cancer that will be demanding physically, mentally, and emotionally," the letter begins.

“You will not be able to function in my office at the level required while battling for your life," it continues. "Because of this, I am laying you off without pay as of August 11, 2014. Your last paycheck will be mailed to you this Friday, 8/15/14."

Rose Lerini / Via beavercountian.com

"She had been working full-time for this man for over 12 years," Smerigan told the Beaver Countain. "He didn't even call her, he hasn't even called her once since she got sick."

After reading the letter, Jumper gave it to her sister, Joyce, who made copies, and word of her firing quickly spread.

Dr. Visnich's attorney, Larry Kelly, told the Times Online that Visnich "placed Jumper on layoff status so she could collect unemployment compensation during her treatment."

Dr. Visnich's office has not responded to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News.

A Facebook group called "Bumper's" Buddies has been established to help Jumper. The group is selling T-shirts to raise money and is planning to starting a GoFundMe account to help Jumper cover her health costs.

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