Oh hi baby wombat. What kind of wombat are you?
Why, I'm a Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat, of course. But I have a name. It's Jedda. And I'm not a baby, I'm a joey.
James D. Morgan / Rex / REX USA
Why are you being shy, baby wombat?
Because I only just emerged from my mother's pouch at the the Melbourne Zoo in Australia.
James D. Morgan / Rex / REX USA
That your mum, baby wombat?
Yes, this is Jumanji, my mother. She's a very accomplished wombat.
James D. Morgan / Rex / REX USA
Come here, baby wombat.
Ok, let me just crawl through the Wombat Tunnel.*
*It's actually called the Wombat Tunnel.
James D. Morgan / Rex / REX USA