That’s right: Bacon sucks!
Real talk, yo: It's time we discuss a serious problem that has been plaguing our society for far too long. I'm talking about the over-appreciation of this:
Bacon, aka the most overrated food item ever, aka something reserved for ridiculously basic meat lovers, like those who say, "OMG! BACON IS MY LIFE! I'M SO UNORIGINAL!!!"
Getty Images/iStockphoto vikif
If you love bacon, that's cool. But I'm here to inform you that you're wrong.
That's right. You're wrong as a mofo.
But you know what is great? You know what kicks bacon's ass any day of the week? This:
Sausages... breakfast sausages... are the embodiment of a morning orgasm.
Getty Images/Hemera Robert Lerich
(Ham lovers, go sit down at the kiddie table. Adults are talking).