Dem. Senate Candidate Who Hit Opponent For Copying Words Actually Copied Two Of His Plans

From the farm bill!

Dave Domina Facebook / Via Facebook: votedomina

The Nebraska Democratic Senate nominee likes the Farm Bill so much his energy and agriculture issues pages are just pasted word-for-word from it.

Dave Domina, a high-profile attorney in the state of Nebraska, often stresses the importance of the farm bill in his race to fill the seat of retiring Republican Sen. Mike Johanns.

"The Farm Bill is a five-year agreement, and Senate terms are six years," Domina said in one campaign stop. "That makes the Farm Bill an issue in this election."

On his issues page, Domina writes that the farm bill is of the most importance to the state.

"This makes the Farm Bill an immediate issue, right now! My opponent takes the opposite view; he accepts large sums of financial support from persons and organizations committed to never again passing a Farm Bill. Only my position will protect Nebraskans and the engine of our State's economy."

What Domina doesn't do on his issues pages, which are framed as his plans for the state, is distinguish which words, including an introduction titled "the challenge," are taken directly from the legislation and which words are his own.

Domina himself once attacked his opponent, Republican Ben Sasse for using similar language as the White House when discussing the minimum wage.

From a post by Domina:

Folks, Joe Jordan of Nebraska Watchdog recently asked Ben Sasse a simple question on a simple issue: 'Do you support raising Nebraska's minimum wage?' Do you understand Mr. Sasse's answer in the video below?

The only part that makes much sense is the phrase 'ladders of opportunity' – a phrase Sasse cribbed from the White House plan to create economic opportunity for all.

Domina's campaign didn't immediately respond to a comment request from BuzzFeed News.

Here's the part of the Agriculture Act of 2014:

In the United States, some 16 million jobs depend on the strength and continued success of American agriculture. Our farmers grow the safest and most abundant supply of food, fiber and energy in the world. Innovations in agriculture allow families to put healthy, nutritious food on their tables at a lower cost than in most other countries.

And here's Domina introduction:

No government can survive with a hungry population. In the United States, 16 million jobs depend on the strength and continued success of American agriculture. Our farmers grow the safest and most abundant supply of food, fiber and energy in the world. Innovations in agriculture allow families to put healthy, nutritious food on their tables at a lower cost than in most other countries.

Here's the Act again:

Through USDA's Broadband Program, the Department provides funds for the construction,improvement, and acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in rural communities. The program will target funds to rural communities that currently do not have broadband service.

And here's Domina:

Through the USDA's Broadband Program, the Department provides funds for the construction, improvement, and acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in rural communities. The program will target funds to rural communities that currently do not have broadband service. Expansion of quality broadband access is critical for the preservation and growth of rural communities.

Again, here's the Act:

The bill authorizes a new loan program, administered by the Department of Agriculture, which will issue zero-interest loans to any electric cooperative or coordinated group of electric cooperatives for the purpose of lending the funds to their customers to make energy saving retrofit and structural improvements.

And here's Domina:

I support a new loan program, administered by the Department of Agriculture, which will issue zero-interest loans to any electric cooperative or coordinated group of electric cooperatives for the purpose of lending the funds to their customers to make energy saving retrofit and structural improvements.

The rest of his agricultural page, which runs five more paragraphs long, is likewise taken directly from the Agricultural Act.

Domina's energy plan is likewise copied from the Agricultural Act:

The popular Rural Energy for America (REAP) program has helped nearly 4,000 farmers, ranchers and rural business owners lower their energy bills by installing renewable and energy efficient systems. The bill provides robust funding for REAP and authorizes a streamlined application process that will help for farmers and rural businesses move forward more quickly on small projects.

Promotes Advanced Bioenergy Production The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) provides support for farmers and ranchers who wish to plant energy crops to produce and use biomass crops for conversion to advanced biofuels or bioenergy. Agricultural producers in BCAP project areas may contract with the Department ofAgriculture to receive biomass crop establishment payments up to 50 percent of costs, plus annual payments in amounts determined by the Secretary in subsequent years to help to compensate for lost opportunity costs until crops are established. The program will receive $125 million in mandatory funding.

Supports the Growing Bio-Based Economy The bill will reauthorize and modify USDA's BioPreferred Program and the Federal GovernmentProcurement Preference Program. Many of the modifications are adopted from the "Make it Here,Grow it Here" initiative which includes reporting of biobased purchases by the federal agencies and auditing and enforcement of the biobased label. The program will receive $15 million in mandatory funding.

Biorefinery Assistance Program This program provides loan guarantees for renewable energy projects. Eligibility for the program hasbeen expanded to include biobased manufacturing and renewable chemicals, which uses agricultural products to make value-added products. The program will receive $200 million in mandatory funding under the bill.

Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels This program provides production payments for advanced bioenergy sources such as methane digesters, advanced biofuels and biopower. The program will receive $75 million in mandatoryf unding under the bill.

And here's the Domina:

The popular Rural Energy for America (REAP) program has helped nearly 4,000 farmers, ranchers and rural business owners lower their energy bills by installing renewable and energy efficient systems. The bill will provide a streamlined application process for farmers and rural businesses applying for small and medium sized projects.

The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) provides support for farmers and ranchers who wish to plant energy crops to produce and use biomass crops for conversion to advanced biofuels or bioenergy. Agricultural producers in BCAP project areas may contract with the Department of Agriculture to receive biomass crop establishment payments up to 50 percent of costs, plus annual payments in subsequent years to help to compensate for lost opportunity costs until crops are established.

Growing the Bio-Based Economy
The bill will reauthorize and modify USDA's BioPreferred Program and the Federal Government Procurement Preference Program. Many of the modifications are adopted from the "Make it Here, Grow it Here" initiative which includes reporting of biobased purchases by the federal agencies and auditing and enforcement of the biobased label.

Biorefinery Assistance Program
This program provides loan guarantees for renewable energy projects. Eligibility for the program has been expanded to include biobased manufacturing and renewable chemicals, which uses agricultural products to make value-added products.

Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels
This program provides production payments for advanced bioenergy sources such as methane digesters, advanced biofuels and biopower.

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