What’s The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To You At The Beach?

Sand, sand, go away.

Usually when summer rolls around, the best spot to hang out and have fun is the beach.

Usually when summer rolls around, the best spot to hang out and have fun is the beach.

Paramount Pictures / Via lowereastsidetours.org

What could be bad about lounging in the sand, under the sun?

What could be bad about lounging in the sand, under the sun?

Via zemmourighyta.tumblr.com

A lot, actually, 'cause going to the beach is pretty dang awful.

A lot, actually, 'cause going to the beach is pretty dang awful.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via Fanpop

Maybe you got stung by a jellyfish, and your friend had to pee on you to simmer the pain...

Maybe you got stung by a jellyfish, and your friend had to pee on you to simmer the pain...


NBC / Via whatculture.com

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