What’s The Most Killer “Never Have I Ever” Statement You Can Think Of?

Your go-to statement that will put ALL of the fingers down.

One of the most entertaining games to play with a group of people is "Never Have I Ever."

One of the most entertaining games to play with a group of people is "Never Have I Ever."

CBS / Via fuckyeahgifreactions.tumblr.com

The greatness of the game is that it reveals your true self, whether it's the good, the bad, or the ugly.

The greatness of the game is that it reveals your true self, whether it's the good, the bad, or the ugly.

But mostly, it's just fun to see how innocent (or not) people are.

NBC / Via meangirlgifs.tumblr.com

The goal of "Never Have I Ever" is to share something you've never done that you think other people have. If someone in the group has done it, they have to put one finger down.

The goal of "Never Have I Ever" is to share something you've never done that you think other people have. If someone in the group has done it, they have to put one finger down.

The first person who puts down 10 fingers loses.

youtube.com / Via giphy.com

You can make a brilliantly specific one, like "Never Have I Ever been thrown in jail for peeing in public."

You can make a brilliantly specific one, like "Never Have I Ever been thrown in jail for peeing in public."

~Someone puts down a finger with shame~

NBC / Via giphy.com

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