The 17 Worst Parts Of Being An Adult In The Summer

Summertime and the livin’ isn’t easy.

No longer having a summer break.

No longer having a summer break.

There used to be nothing than the last day of school, knowing that you had a great summer full of possibilities ahead of you. Now it's just 9-5 Monday through Friday. All. Year. Long.

Walt Disney Studios / Via

Dealing with the heat because you're worried about the power bill.

Dealing with the heat because you're worried about the power bill.

As hot as it gets you know that cranking up the A/C will only crank up your bill. Time to get creative with the situation.


Being hyper-aware of all the pee in pools and in water parks.

Being hyper-aware of all the pee in pools and in water parks.

Kids are blissfully unaware, you on the other hand know better.

Flickr: heatheronhertravels / Via Creative Commons

Hearing the ice cream truck go by and knowing you will look like a weirdo if you run after it.

Hearing the ice cream truck go by and knowing you will look like a weirdo if you run after it.

That is why your freezer is already stocked with creamcicles and drumsticks. / Via

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