Step one: Cry.
Detoxifying Dinner Salad
Grab a small handful of spinach leaves and eat them while watching a show about cupcakes on The Food Network. Your tears will season the spinach.
Adam Ellis / Via ABC
Sun-dried Tomato Surpise
The sun
Gently hold a tomato in your hands and stare at the sun until both you and the tomato shrivels up. Delicious pizza awaits you in death.
Adam Ellis / Via BBC
Low-cal Taco Party
Just a bean
When the company you work for orders tacos for lunch, limit yourself to a single pinto bean. Ask one of your co-workers who isn't on a diet to breathe their sour cream breath on your succulent bean.
Adam Ellis / Via 20th Century Fox
Tasty Chia Seed Snacks
Magic Spells
Chia Seeds
Before going to bed, sprinkle chia seeds around your bed to keep food nightmares away. In the morning, burn your next door neighbor for being a witch. See if she has any Snickers bars in her pantry and eat as many as you can before the cops show up.
Adam Ellis / Via FOX