Morgan Freeman, Jimmy Fallon Take Helium During Tonight Show Interview, Speak in Hilarious Voices

He did what? Jimmy Fallon persuaded acting legend Morgan Freeman to inhale helium prior to his Tonight Show interview on Thursday, July 24, and the results were amazing!

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Cheeky show host Fallon presented the Lucy actor with a red balloon full of helium gas and gently persuaded the Oscar winner to partake in his little experiment, reenacting a prior helium moment from Freeman’s science documentary show Through the Wormhole.

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"I do love your voice and everyone loves your voice," Fallon explained, "but I was wondering what your voice would sound like on helium. I'll do the same interview, I'll just do it on helium," he added, laughing.

Morgan Freeman and Jimmy Fallon conduct Tonight Show interview taking helium!

Morgan Freeman and Jimmy Fallon conduct Tonight Show interview taking helium!
Credit: Douglas Gorenstein/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty

Looking more than a little distressed, Freeman reluctantly took the helium balloon while Fallon got ready for the first question.

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Taking a deep breath of the balloon's contents the 77-year-old actor fixed Fallon with a hard stare. "I really shouldn't be doing this," he squeaked. "It's very undignified."

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