23 Important Reminders For Every Early Twentysomething

It’s never too early to get your shit together.

Learn how to cook.

And no, Ramen doesn't count. Cooking for yourself is literally the best. You get to eat what you want, when you want. It's way cheaper AND healthier than eating out. And of course it impresses friends AND potential romantic conquests. It's really not that hard. No excuses, so here are some recipes to get you started.


It's never too early to get your finances in order.

You may be all like "YOLO" because retirement is so far away, but remember our generation is fucked and no one wants to help us out. SO LEARN TO HELP YOURSELF. That means setting up savings, a rainy day fund, maybe even a Roth IRA. If you don't know what those are, Google it. Seriously, 70-year-old you is going to REALLY appreciate the foresight 23-year-old you had.


Update your resume.

Employers will glance at your resume for like, 30 seconds, IF THAT, so you better slay on your resume. And a boring old resume just isn't going to cut it anymore, so upgrade your resume game. If you ARE employed, it's just good practice to keep a fresh, updated version — you don't know when you'll have to have your most current resume at the ready.


Learn some basic life skills.

Aside from cooking, you should learn basic life skills (like changing a tire) or at the VERY least Google how to fix stuff before you pay to have a professional do it. You'll often find you can do it yourself, and save money in the process. PLUS you'll feel like a badass in the process. But also remember you really don't want to screw something up and cause more damage too!


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