Photographer Matt Cardy captured these striking photos of surviving Normandy veterans as they describe their most vivid memory of D-Day.
Denzil Cooper
'My most vivid memory is watching the tail of a glider come off and then watching what was left of it land safely.'
Matt Cardy, Getty Images
David Tibbs
'It was looking out of the Dakota and seeing a white line that was the surf breaking on the Normandy coast. At that moment we were given the order to jump.'
Matt Cardy, Getty Images
Fred Glover
'It was the way we responded when the glider crashed and were immediately confronted by a German patrol. What struck me was that we weren't affected by the crash but immediately sprung into action just like we had been trained to do.'
Matt Cardy, Getty Images
Eddie Wallace
'One of the things I do recall when landing is all the dead bodies that were floating around us. One or two of the lads were sick when they saw that.'
Matt Cardy, Getty Images