“We should focus on good science, rather than politically correct science.”
In his opening remarks, committee chairman Rep. Lamar Smith said the IPCC report and Obama administration's third National Climate Assessment are "designed to spread fear and alarm and provide cover for previously determined government policies."
At the hearing, Smith also said the figure of 97% of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans "has been debunked."
"The president and others often claim that 97% of scientists believe that global warming is primarily driven by human activity. However, the study they cite has been debunked.
"While the majority of scientists surveyed may think humans contribute something to climate change, and I would agree, only 1% said that humans cause most of the warming. So the president has misrepresented the study’s results.
"We should focus on good science, rather than politically correct science. The facts should determine which climate policy options the U.S. and world considers."