Rising college costs, crippling student loans, and the worst economy since the Great Depression. You should have been born 10 years earlier.
The number of twentysomethings with full-time jobs has gone down.
According to a July Gallup poll, 43.6% of Americans ages 18 to 29 have a full-time job.
The cost of a college degree is higher than ever.
When compared with the price of consumer goods, the cost of a four-year college degree has increased sharply, so it's more than just inflation.
41% of college graduates say their job doesn't even require a college degree.
Four out of 10 college grads say they don't need a degree for the job they're doing, according to an August Gallup poll. Overall, 57% of all U.S. workers say their job doesn't require a college degree.
Student loan debt has nearly quadrupled in a decade.
Ten years ago, outstanding student loan debt totaled $240 billion. Today, it's $1 trillion.