10 Of The Best Songs Named After A Girl

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a song featuring their name. For those of you who are, know that the rest of the world is secretly jealous.

The Turtles, "Elenore"

An absolute joy of a song, The Turtles' "Elenore" was written as a parody of all of the "happy-go-lucky" songs the band was sick of hearing. With catchy simplistic lyrics like "you're my pride and joy, etcetera," The Turtles' accidentally recorded a hit song they intended as a joke, and the rest is history. It made an appearance in the 2009 film Pirate Radio, and its resurgence deserves all of the attention it was never supposed to have in the first place.

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Patti Smith, "Gloria"

One of the greatest artists to walk the earth, Patti Smith took the Van Morrison rock standard "Gloria" and morphed it into one of the fledgling punk rock songs that would define the genre. Beginning with the lyrics, "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine," Smith blew minds and burnt convention to the ground, leaving behind a song that still makes Gloria one of the coolest names to have.

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Fleetwoood Mac, "Rhiannon"

Sing it for us, Stevie. I would make a bet that anyone you know who is named Rhiannon was named after this song. Many have tried to imitate the original, but nothing comes close to hearing it sung by Queen Stevie herself.

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Arctic Monkeys, "Arabella"

A more recent ode to a rad ass chick, the lyrics to "Arabella" detail a girl with a Barbarella swim suit and lips like the galaxy's edge. The Arctic Monkeys have made a name for themselves steadily and surely in the last several years, and a song like "Arabella" reminds you why. An absolute jam and surely a source of secret pride for all of the Arabellas out there.

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