Bryan Singer’s Attorney Says 100 Witnesses Will Disprove Allegations Against X-Men Director

Attorney Martin Singer called the filing of lawsuit accusing Bryan Singer of sexual abuse last week “reckless and irresponsible.” He said the director was shooting a movie out of the country when the abuse allegedly occurred.

Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

LOS ANGELES — An attorney for X-Men director Bryan Singer released a statement Wednesday vehemently denying allegations that the director sexually abused Michael Egan, a former aspiring actor who has filed a civil suit against the director. Singer's attorney said the director has an iron-clad alibi: credit card receipts, phone records, and more than 100 witnesses who could prove the director was not in Hawaii, the site of the alleged abuse, at the time Egan said it happened.

"The minute I learned of Michael Egan's allegations I thought they were fabricated because I knew that Bryan was shooting a movie out of the country during the period of time alleged in the complaint," said attorney Martin Singer (no relation to the director) in a statement. "Then, over the next 48 hours, we received from Bryan's business manager documentary evidence in the form of credit card receipts, phone records and the production schedule confirming that Bryan was not in Hawaii as alleged. Now, based on concrete and indisputable evidence, we will prove that Egan's claims about Bryan are entirely made up."

The suit, filed last week in a federal court in Hawaii, was "reckless and irresponsible" Singer's attorney said, and at least 100 witnesses could testify Singer was on set and not in Hawaii during the times he is accused of sexual abuse.

"Anyone who claims to be a witness to Bryan being in Hawaii with Egan is a bold [sic] faced liar," he said. "There are very significant consequences when people lie under oath. If these alleged witnesses ever come forward and are willing to testify under oath, we will prove them to be liars."

Singer's attorney accused Egan's attorney, Jeff Herman, of not contacting him before the lawsuits were filed.

"Had he reached out to us first, we would have been able to provide him with the exculpatory evidence we have proving that Bryan wasn't even there," he said. "Responsible lawyers typically send demand letters before filing lawsuits."

Egan filed a lawsuit for sexual abuse in 2000, but Singer is not named in it, which Singer's attorney called a "red flag" that Egan's claims are not true. Nor was Singer named in an FBI investigator's affidavit, the director's lawyer said.

"The bottom line is Bryan was never identified as a defendant in that lawsuit, and there was no mention that he ever engaged in any inappropriate conduct," he said. "We are confident that it will be proven in litigation that Egan's claims about Bryan now — 14 years later — were all fabricated."

Singer's attorney also disputes the claim the lawsuit isn't about money.

"If that were true, why did Egan file four civil lawsuits against high-profile individuals seeking monetary damages in each of them?" he asked. "This is a shakedown. It's all about money."

Singer's attorney said he has not been served with a copy of the complaint, despite requests.

"Clearly, Mr. Herman doesn't want to litigate this case," he said. "He just wants to host press conferences and issue press releases for media attention. This is nothing more than an effort on the part of Mr. Herman to ruin Bryan's career and reputation, which he has worked so hard to establish."

Singer plans to file affirmative claims against Egan and Herman, his attorney said.

Herman responded to Singer's statement in an email. "We have a good faith belief in the allegations and we will litigate this in the United States District Court," Herman said.

Three other men were accused of sexual abuse by Egan on Monday. Garth Ancier, Gary Goddard, and David Neuman also allegedly sexually abused Egan in Hawaii and California, according to the suits. Each man has denied the allegations.

Full statement by Bryan Singer's attorney

Full statement by Bryan Singer's attorney

Click here to read the full statement.

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