Twitter Knows When You’re Going To Be Sad, Hungover, And Late For Work

Data from the social network proves that we’re all in pretty bad shape come Monday morning.

Monday mornings for the average worker are pretty brutal, and Twitter has some compelling data to back it up. Twitter's data editor, Simon Rogers, combed through millions of tweets to try and define the network's collective mood at a given time and found that when it comes to feeling terrible at the beginning of the week, you're probably not alone.

In a blog post on the site Rogers explains his methodology:

Looking at the usage of different words and phrases in 2013 by day of the week and month tells you a lot about how the world tweets. We turned that data set into a ratio of Tweets containing those words in English per million posted.

The results are both disturbing and heartening. Twitter proves that "the Mondays" are, in fact, very real. Turns out all those whiny tweets might be good for something after all.

Twitter users are "feeling happy" in unusually high numbers on Fridays and Saturdays in March...

Twitter users are "feeling happy" in unusually high numbers on Fridays and Saturdays in March...

Via Twitter: @2014

Users indicate they are at their happiest on Tuesdays in December and January, but given that Christmas Eve was on a Tuesday last year (as was New Year's Eve), the data is likely skewed (since Tuesdays in December and January are usually bleak and miserable). It seems users are least likely to publicly declare their happiness on Sundays in April. Maybe because they're too busy outside enjoying the winter thaw on their day off.

...which may account for why so many people are tweeting they're "hungover" on Sundays in March.

...which may account for why so many people are tweeting they're "hungover" on Sundays in March.

Via Twitter: @2014

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