‘Lindsay’ Recap: Lohan Attempts Career Comeback With Self-Proclaimed ‘New Chapter’

Viewers got their first look at Lindsay Lohan's new OWN docu-series, Lindsay, on Sunday night.

The show, directed by the Emmy-nominated Amy Rice, took viewers through Lohan's move to New York following her release from rehab, her search for an apartment, her life in the media spotlight and a shoot she booked -- then backed out of -- for a lingerie line.

PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohan Through the Years

After showing parts of an interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired last year, the episode shows Lohan as she is 11 days out of rehab. She says she's found "inner peace."

"All the distractions and the chaos that goes on … just in daily life in general, don't really affect me anymore," she says.

The show also interspersed a timeline of Lohan's box office and career successes with her various stints in rehab, court dates and charges for DUI, theft, reckless driving and other offenses. It also included man-on-the-street interviews with various people commenting on Lohan, including one who said: "I used to be a fan of her work. Not so much recently. She kind of fell off the deep end."

For her part, Lohan says she's starting a "new chapter" in her life. "I know that this is my last shot at doing what I love to do. It does take getting to a really scary place and think you can do everything, but no you can't. And there is nothing left in having a drink for me. What's left in that feeling? Nothing. There is no party I haven't gone to, no person I haven't hung out with. There's no situation that I haven't been exposed to. There's nothing left in that for me to experience that I haven't already experienced.

"Some of it was fun, some of it was really not, but I've had that. So maybe trying another way for me, which is living with integrity and living in control of my own self -- that's the life I want now."

Here's a rundown of what else viewers saw on Sunday night:

The contents of Lohan's storage container.

Lohan put all her belongings into storage while she was in rehab at Cliffside Malibu. Now that she's decided to move to New York, she must go through everything and have it shipped to her mother's house in Long Island. Among the contents are a black sequined-and-feathered gown that was just "thrown into a box," as she put it; a cigarette holder that was a prop from a movie she shot; assorted clothing and furniture; memorabilia from the Lifetime movie Liz & Dick, in which she played Elizabeth Taylor; jewelry; and a Chinese fortune that reads, "A long life is in store for you."

Lohan's search for an apartment -- and frustration with her real estate broker.

Lohan looked at 10 apartments, but as she explains, the boards of all the buildings must approve any new resident, and she kept encountering one of two situations: "It's, 'We don’t want her in the building,' or its' Lindsay we'll up the price.'" She eventually becomes frustrated with her real estate broker, Cash Bernard, after she's been living in a hotel for 36 days. "I don't hear in your voice the urgency that [[ maybe you don't recognize it and maybe you're not aware of it -- but that I feel and I have, and the stress that I have to get into a place," she tells him over the phone. She also becomes visibly annoyed when he tells her that a $10 million renter's liability policy is being required of her to sign a new lease in one building. "Anyone can get that," he says. "Not me," she snaps at him.

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Her demands of her personal assistant.

Matt Harrell, who has worked for everyone from Sean Astin to Steven Tyler to Prince, suddenly finds himself moving suitcases and suitcases full of Lohan's belongings when she decides on a whim that she wants to change hotel rooms. "So I was the lucky guy that got to switch everything over," he says, adding: "This woman's got s--t you wouldn't believe."

How she handles the paparazzi.

Lohan is forced to skip an AA meeting and dinner plans withMichael Cormier, her sober coach, because of all the paparazzi camped outside her hotel. "Being under a microscope and the lens of the media, it's difficult but … I'm so used to kind of living that way anyway that it doesn’t have that much of an effect on me," she says at one point. (Boasts one paparazzo to the camera: "Look at my watch. Lindsay paid for it.") But at another point, she admits that she feels like a prisoner -- "all the time." "We've been stuck in this room all day, actually, because there's been 40 paparazzi outside and I just really don't feel like dealing with them today," she says. "I don't want them following me to an AA meeting. I feel like that's not cool for anyone else there."

The reason behind her decision to pull out of a short-film shoot.

Lohan becomes visibly upset at a shoot for a lingerie line she'd agreed to take part in as a favor to some friends. She says she thought she was going to be part of a filmed photo shoot, but when she arrives on set, she's told she'll have dialogue and that the job is more than what she was told. "I'm not an actress trying to model," she says of the setup explained to her, adding, "I don't like being lied to," before pulling out of the shoot entirely.

Why she skipped The Canyons premiere at the Venice Film Festival.

GQ offered to pay her way to Italy if she made an appearance at its party. But after talking it over with her sober coach Cormier, she decides she isn't at a point in her life where she is ready to travel overseas and resume that kind of work. Moreover, "all [the media] are going to talk about is how my treatment was. if I were going to start another production in the next two weeks, at least I could talk about that too."

Her thoughts on her jail time.

"The judge kept overruling me getting released even though [the jail was] overcrowded. They kept making me stay there. They were punishing me instead of trying to help me. They didn't get it, it was all about being the tough one with me and making an example. It wasn’t, 'How can we figure this out with this person?'"

Mother Dina's confusion over "Fetch."

Lohan also found several shirts with the word "fetch" on it -- which, as anyone who's seen her 2004 hit Mean Girls knows, is a catchphrase from the movie. But mother Dina has no idea what it means, and daughter has to explain it to her.

Kimberly Nordyke