Kevin Spacey Hilariously Answers Questions That Female Celebrities Get Asked On The Red Carpet

“Are you wearing Spanx right now?!”

If you're a House of Cards fan, then you already know that Kevin Spacey can be a fantastically terrifying man.

If you're a House of Cards fan, then you already know that Kevin Spacey can be a fantastically terrifying man.

Seriously, you don't want to be on Frank Underwood's bad side.

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BuzzFeed spoke to Spacey on the 2014 Oscars red carpet. Without telling him why, we asked him the same sort of banal questions that female celebrities are only too frequently asked on a regular basis.

BuzzFeed spoke to Spacey on the 2014 Oscars red carpet. Without telling him why, we asked him the same sort of banal questions that female celebrities are only too frequently asked on a regular basis.

You know, things like "What are you wearing?" and "When did you get up this morning to get your hair done?" Just because, YOLO.

Needless to say, Frank, errr, Kevin, was flawless in his answers.

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Question: Who did your hair?

Question: Who did your hair?


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