Meow! This cat fight just took a sexy turn…
Katy Perry responded to Miley Cyrus’ dirty tongue dig on Twitter on Thursday night.
“@MileyCyrus Oooo gurrrl I’m gonna give you the BIGGEST spanking when I see you in the UK bb!” the “Dark Horse” singer wrote.
The Tweet was the latest in a back-and-forth semi-spat started by Katy, after Miley planted a kiss on her at a concert last week.
During an interview Down Under, Katy later said, “I just walked up to her to give her like a friendly girly kiss, you know, as girls do, and then she like tried to move her head and go deeper and I pulled away. God knows where that tongue has been. We don’t know! That tongue is so infamous!”
Miley hit back at the low blow with an even lower blow of her own.
PHOTOS: She’s Just Bein’ Miley!
“Girl if ur worried abt where tongues have been good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT [tongue] been,” Miley Tweeted on Thursday. (No word on if she was referring to Katy’s ex-husband Russell Brand, or recent ex-boyfriend John Mayer.)
“Dontchyouuuu act like you didn’t lurvvvvv it,” she added, with a drawing of her and Katy’s kiss.
-- Erin O’Sullivan
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