And you thought people were weird.
1. A chameleon's tongue can be as long as its body.
2. Great white sharks can detect a drop of blood in 25 gallons of water and can even sense tiny amounts of blood from three miles away.
3. The blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an adult elephant.
4. Houseflies hum in the key of F.
5. Fleas can jump distances 100 times their body length.
6. A beaver's teeth never stop growing. It needs to chew on tree trunks and branches to keep them from getting too long.
7. Oysters can change gender multiple times during their life.
8. The water boatman can make a 105-decibel noise by rubbing its penis against its belly.
9. The howler monkey is the loudest land animal. Its call can be heard from three miles away.
10. Blue whales are the loudest mammals, producing low-frequency "pulses" that can be heard from more than 500 miles away.
11. The snapping shrimp is the loudest known living creature. It has specialized claws that shoot jets of water at up to 62 miles per hour and leaving a trail of bubbles that explode at 200 decibels — enough to stun and even kill its prey.
12. A cheetah can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in three seconds.