30 Adorably Awkward First Kiss Stories

Because the first kiss isn’t always the worst kiss.

Christina Lu / BuzzFeed

I recently asked BuzzFeed writers to recount the first time they locked lips with someone. Here are some of their stories.

1. "It happened in a bowling alley. I was excited to go bowling with my cute eighth-grade boyfriend. He abruptly shoved me against the wall and shoved his tongue down my throat. I think my eyes were open the whole time. I couldn't breathe. And it hurt my teeth. I missed my turn bowling, and later on AIM he told me I should've used more tongue. I think he used enough for the both of us."

2. "My first kiss was at a youth club. The boy told me I looked like Gloria Estefan, then leaned in. I didn't want to kiss him, so I panicked and said I'd just vomited (it was the first thing that sprang to mind). Then he said he DIDN'T MIND, then kissed me. It was wet and cold. I was 15."

3. "We were watching Billy Madison."

4. "I was 13 and had a crush on this boy at my (day) camp all summer long — I was still rocking a unibrow and elaborate braces at this point, and it had never really occurred to me that if you liked someone they could maybe like you back. One day shortly after camp ended we took a walk around my town, and then he came over to my house and kissed me on the overstuffed armchair in my room. 'Kissed' is a strong word because he had braces too, so it was really more of a bump situation. I was so unbelievably happy."

5. "I was maybe 8 at the time, and my YMCA summer camp took a field trip to the beach. I was part of the 'bad kids' group, so we snuck away into the dunes to play spin the bottle (lol). My crush had the first spin, and fate brought us together. It was a weird/sandy/awkward kiss, but a memorable one."

Christina Lu / BuzzFeed

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