22 Lies You Tell Your Parents Because You Love Them

Trust me. It’s better this way.

"Yup, I eat breakfast everyday!"

What you mean: I quickly chug as much coffee as it takes for me to be functional.

"Yup, I eat breakfast everyday!"


"I've been going to bed early."

What you mean: I get in bed at 4 a.m. and watch True Detective until I fall asleep with my laptop on my face.

"I've been going to bed early."


"Don't worry, I always get at least seven hours of sleep."

What you mean: I have an unhealthy and erratic sleep schedule but this past Sunday I woke up at 4 p.m.

"Don't worry, I always get at least seven hours of sleep."


"Work is great!"

What you mean: I am having my life culled out of me by the dull knife of professional ennui, but I want you to think I have my shit together.

"Work is great!"

20th Century Fox / Via wifflegif.com

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