21 Unbelieveable Candid Photographs Of Elvis Presley In The Army

The singer that shocked a nation with his hips was then forced to take a break from his career to serve in its army. And lucky for us, a photographer was there to catch it all.

Elvis Presley is remembered like this:

Elvis Presley is remembered like this:

The performer that scared a nation.

Charles Trainor / Time & Life Pictures / Getty Images

With one of the most passionate fandoms of all time.

With one of the most passionate fandoms of all time.

Charles Trainor / Time & Life Pictures / Getty Images

But for a short time Elvis had to put his career on hold.

But for a short time Elvis had to put his career on hold.

Don Cravens / Time Life Pictures / Getty Images

In 1958, he was drafted into military service.

In 1958, he was drafted into military service.

Don Cravens / Time Life Pictures / Getty Images

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