Why Chris Robshaw Is The Ryan Gosling Of Rugby

I love you.

Chris Robshaw has the glorious gift of Gosling.

Chris Robshaw has the glorious gift of Gosling.

Also known as the G.G. (of) G.

David Rogers / Getty Images

And by the glorious gift of Gosling, what I mean is he is terribly, terribly good-looking.

And by the glorious gift of Gosling, what I mean is he is terribly, terribly good-looking.

Would do 800 times. In a row.

David Rogers / Getty Images

Yes, Ryan. I know. I get it. You're jealous. But I'm still quite keen to you, my dear baby G.

Yes, Ryan. I know. I get it. You're jealous. But I'm still quite keen to you, my dear baby G.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images

But Chris is also lovely and I could totally kick it with him and be his backdoor, behind-the-scenes boo.

But Chris is also lovely and I could totally kick it with him and be his backdoor, behind-the-scenes boo.

Also known as backdoor bitch.

David Rogers / Getty Images

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