These Abandoned Buildings Will Give You The Heebie Jeebies

Sure, they’re beautiful, but in a very creepy and haunted way.

Nate Robert is a travelling photojournalist and urban explorer from Perth in Western Australia.

Nate Robert is a travelling photojournalist and urban explorer from Perth in Western Australia.

South Fremantle Power Station / Via Flickr: naterobert

He finds a way into abandoned buildings in his hometown and documents the city's urban decay.

He finds a way into abandoned buildings in his hometown and documents the city's urban decay.

South Fremantle Power Station / Via Flickr: naterobert

Some buildings have stayed in remarkably good shape.

Some buildings have stayed in remarkably good shape.

Claremont Mental Hospital / Via Flickr: naterobert

While some have been overrun by graffiti.

While some have been overrun by graffiti.

South Freemantle Power Station / Via Flickr: naterobert

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