9 Potential World-Ending Ecological Disasters That Should Terrify You Right Now

No one is safe.

Much of Yellowstone is a supervolcano. The National Park Service says an event is unlikely to occur in the next thousand years, but that's a minuscule amount of time in the grand scheme of things (the last eruption was 640,000 years ago).

Still, it's possible, and should Yellowstone erupt, enough ash would be sent skyward to block the sun, ushering in a new ice age for much of the northern hemisphere.

Flickr: jesseslife / Creative Commons

Due to global warming, jellyfish numbers are on the rise. That's a problem because they're producing more carbon than the oceans can handle, and in turn, messing up the marine food cycle. Massive blooms of jellies cause problems for power plants all over the world, and they cause panic on beaches because they're creepy as hell. It's just a matter of time before they take over the world. How will you greet our new jelly overlords?

Flickr: codyhanson / Creative Commons

Bees are dying, and nobody knows exactly why. There are plenty of theories (malnutrition? pesticides? black magic?) but the only thing that's certain is that colony collapse could spell disaster for the human race. Bees pollinate crops, and the elimination of hives would cause major ecological disaster. If bees die, plants die. If plants die, animals die.

Flickr: 124330160 / Creative Commons

Stop rolling your eyes, it could happen. In fact, the UN's been called on to ban killer robots. The fear that machines might one day become so advanced as to become sentient isn't a new concept, and the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (yes, it's real) aims to ban deadly humanoids before mankind has a chance to develop them.

The Halcyon Company

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