19 Penises You Need To Visit Before You Die

These are big travel tips.

Knobbe Fountain — Piacenza, Italy

Knobbe Fountain — Piacenza, Italy

Named after Benicio de Knobbe, famed Italian explorer and womanizer, Knobbe Fountain's constant flow of crystalline water is a sight to behold. The fountain's reservoir is adjacent to Italy's only pineapple field, causing the fountain's water to take on a slightly sweet, fruity taste. During summer months, children gather in the town's square to splash about under the cooling spray.


House of 100 Wangs — Lublin, Poland

House of 100 Wangs — Lublin, Poland

Lublin's tiny inn, the House of 100 Wangs, indeed has 100 lovely penises showcased throughout the centuries-old building. Most famous are the dong faucets in each of the inn's dozen bathrooms. Guests can also shower under dick-shaped showerheads, and the only thing the inn serves is plump sausages in mushroom sauce.


The Willyberry Fields — Hammond, Louisiana

The Willyberry Fields — Hammond, Louisiana

Willyberries are grown only in Hammond, and nowhere else in the entire world. Visitors to the fields can enjoy willyberry tastings and sample the world-famous willyberry wine, whose secret recipe has been closely guarded for years. Guests who aren't afraid to get their feet wet can participate in making their own wine by mashing willyberries with their bare feet, feeling the soft berries ooze between their toes.


Forbidden Chode Forest — Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Forbidden Chode Forest — Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Village locals make weekly trips into the Forbidden Chode Forest to gather the rare and delectable chodestools, which are said to promote long life. Folklore also tells of a hideous beast who roams the woods, eager to protect his crop of shrooms. Beware, traveler.


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