The Heartwarming Story Of Stockings The Kitten

Stockings may have been born with “W”-shaped hind legs, but he’s doing much better now . WE LOVE YOU, STOCKINGS. :’).

Meet Stockings. He was born with a "severe birth defect that left him unable to stand or walk." His legs were shaped like a "W."

Meet Stockings. He was born with a " severe birth defect that left him unable to stand or walk ." His legs were shaped like a "W."

Courtesy of Tree House Humane Society / Via

Despite his backwards legs, he "wanted to run around like other kittens and play."

Despite his backwards legs, he " wanted to run around like other kittens and play ."

Courtesy of Tree House Humane Society / Via

His first surgery was in early October; this would be the first of multiple procedures to correct his tendons and the direction of his feet.

His first surgery was in early October; this would be the first of multiple procedures to correct his tendons and the direction of his feet.

Courtesy of Tree House Humane Society / Via

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