Russian Coach Says Women Shouldn’t Ski Jump Because It Distracts Them From Housework

“Women have another purpose — to have children, to do housework, to create hearth and home,” Alexander Arefyev said.

The Associated Press

Russia's men's ski jump coach says he is against women's ski jumping and believes women's job is to be homemakers and give birth.

"I admit, I'm not a fan of women's ski jumping," Alexander Arefyev said in an interview with the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia Monday. "It's a pretty difficult sport with a high risk of injury. If a man gets a serious injury, it's still not fatal, but for women it could end much more seriously.

"If I had a daughter, I'd never let her jump — it's too much hard labor. Women have another purpose — to have children, to do housework, to create hearth and home," he added.

Arefyev was asked a followup question about Russia's top ski jumper, Irina Avvakumova, a medal contender, and said she was "just great and deserves a lot of respect."

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